A Prova Quadrupla
Do que nós pensamos, dizemos ou fazemos
Rotary District 7680 to 4750
A Prova Quadrupla
Do que nós pensamos, dizemos ou fazemos
Welcome to the world of Rotary talk- acronyms, district numbers. Ahhhh! No worries. Basically, every year local Rotary Districts have the opportunity to participate in a Group Study Exchange (GSE) with a Rotary district from another country. The idea behind the exchange is that the local district sends 5 people over to the other international district for 4 weeks, and on the flip side the international district sends 5 people over here for 4 weeks as well. During the trip, the team participants give several presentations talking about life and culture here in the U.S. The team also stays with local Rotary families and spends time touring the other country and learning about their culture. Almost everything is paid for by the local and international Rotary districts–airfare, lodging and food are all provided. After the team returns, they are expected to share their experiences with local Rotary clubs and other organizations.
This year, the Charlotte GSE Team from District 7680 will be exchanging with a GSE Team from District 4750 in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. The Brazil team will be arriving in North Carolina March 28th and visiting sites such as the Reed Gold Mine, NASCAR facilities, and Concord Mills. Our Charlotte GSE Team will be departing for Rio de Janeiro May 8th and returning June 6th.